Article page

Reimagining the Blog:
For the Sake of SEO

Accessible Blog Archive


All articles older than 2 weeks get lost in pagination—burying 2,000+ URLs

  • No longer a blog—it’s a publication
  • Tag articles by topic, map topics to forms, and create topic pages
  • Create the ability to feature articles to keep at the top

Easy Interface, Complex Scope


Keep the editor intuitive and free of unnecessary options and features

  • Users will not be able to enter code or optimize media
  • Used by seasonal interns who may be limited to the subject matter
  • Workflow needs to be easy to learn and well-documented

Out-Matched Template Engine


HubSpot’s blog functions can’t satisfy many scoped features

  • Native topic/tag system isn’t robust
  • Unable to directly access or modify post list array/object
  • Standard templates and modules are for simple blogs

Front Page & Topic Pages

  • 3 most recent articles prominently displayed at the top
  • Option to feature any article to keep at the top

Article Page

  • Automatically add lead form appropriate to main article topic
  • Jump-link in right rail
  • Pop-up form if form is below the fold